Curry County Library Card Scholarship Application
Curry County Library Network (CCLN)
Out of District Patron Trial Scholarship Card Guidelines
Approved by CCLN on 8 Jan 2025
With an emphasis on providing library services to children, the purpose of this trial scholarship is to provide patrons with children in out-of-library district areas in Curry County access to library services. It is currently only available to households with children 18 or under.
One account may be used by multiple qualifying family members. The scholarship covers anyone in that household for the year, so other household members with proof of address may also get cards. Restrictions governing juvenile accounts are set by lending libraries.
To receive a library card, the applicant must provide:
Proof of residential address within Curry County.
Valid mailing address.
All CCLN libraries are responsible for following their proprietary policies governing use of patron accounts. Lending libraries enforce restrictions at their own discretion.
Payment for cards will be issued by LPL on receipt of application.
Issuing library is assured of payment and may issue cards immediately upon verification of eligibility.Annual budget for trial scholarship cards is $1,000. LPL is responsible for administering funds.